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How to optimise website content for SEO

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There is a long checklist of things that you’ll need to do in order to optimise the content on your website for SEO, for the inexperienced it can be a little overwhelming. Here are some things to keep in mind when creating content for your website.

Choose what keyword(s) you’d like to optimise your content for

When writing your content, it should be with a purpose. Before even writing your first word have a plan, by choosing what keyword you’ll optimise for you will understand what direction to take your content down and what words to use. By doing this, your content is much more likely to rank for that specific keyword.

Make sure that your content is at least 300 words long

It’s recommended that your content be at least 300 words long. Why is that you may ask? It’s because it allows Google to better understand what your content is about, and as a result will be better able to show it to the most relevant audiences.

Have a good meta description

Unlike the length of the content which needs to be of minimum length, the meta description should be no more than around 155 characters. This is due to the limited space available to display the meta description in the search results. If your meta description is too long then it will be cut off, so ensure that you concisely and accurately summarize the content of your page. Additionally, it is important to include the keyword you’re targeting in your meta description to help improve the chances of ranking higher for it.

Have a good linking structure

A good way to optimise SEO ranking is to be organised and consistent with your internal linking structure. Linking to other pages on your site enables Google to better understand the hierarchy of your website. This can help the search engine prioritise more important pages when ranking them.


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