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Customer Services went digital – Did you?

With an increasing proportion of business conducted online it is becoming vital that companies maintain and manage their online reputation. Digital customer services is typically a system which monitors, reports and resolves any issues raised online and has become a vital tool for companies wanting to keep and establish their reputation.
Traditional tools such as telephone and written complaints departments are standard for most companies, however, when resolving customer service issues online the tools need to adapt. Digital Customer Services tools tend to include, live chat functions, social media, e-mail support as well as backend software platforms designed to monitor online activity.
It’s easy for customers who have an issue with a business to write a complaint which is instantly shared across their social networks before the company has been made aware of the issue. Within minutes’ companies can have marks against their reputation which may result in a loss of future business and ultimately income. Therefore, the requirement for digital customer service systems have been created and are used to great effect when resolving these customer issues online. Not only are these platforms built to resolve issues, there are several tools specifically designed to identify positive and negative comments online enabling a quick and appropriate response.
B2B Relationship Management
Business relationships are often more involved than in the consumer market. Business services and opportunities are typically contractually bound. When underwhelmed, businesses will rarely find the time for a scalding social post or detailed complaint letter, instead, acting with their feet and taking their business elsewhere. Many businesses are finding success when going beyond the contractual obligations of the relationship. Keeping their clients informed of changes, new services, industry news and insights. There are numerous platforms available that will allow businesses to categories and targeting their clients according to key factors and positioning messages accordingly.
What does proactive customer service look like?
It is safe to assume that your clients or customers will look to you as an expert in your field. Being proactive with your clients is an opportunity to share your insights and expertise and apply to the unique position of your clients. Being proactive shows your clients that you are thinking about their business and situation. It demonstrates that you have an eye on their success and spend time to think about how to best apply it. It gives you an opportunity to put your business front of mind at a time that is would not necessary be there. It means that when the time comes for your client to look at expanding or adjusting services you are high on the list of positive considerations.